Find out more about distance and reading glasses
Everything you need to know about single vision lenses
Did you know that experts refer to “normal” glasses as distance glasses? Together with reading glasses, they are one of the most common ways of improving vision. But what makes these single vision glasses so special – and what makes a good pair of glasses so good? It’s not just about the perfect lenses – the frame and precise adaptation to the wearer’s face play a key role when it comes to delivering the best possible vision. After all, glasses will help you see better depending on the precision with which the lenses and frames are adapted for the wearer. But what does it all come down to? Read on to find out everything you need to know about reading glasses, distance glasses and lenses that started out as “reading stones,” coloured, self-tinting lenses, selecting the right frame and how these days it’s easy to produce thin, lightweight lenses even for high-power prescriptions.
Distance spectacles and reading spectacles
What are the key points to remember when choosing single vision lenses?
Reading and distance spectacles are the most common ways of improving vision. So what is it that makes these single vision lenses so special? And what are the key points to remember when choosing the best pair for you?
Single vision lenses – the most widely used spectacle lenses
Single vision lenses are spectacle lenses that only have one dioptric power throughout the entire lens. They can be used to correct poor vision in either near or far viewing situations, which is why single vision lenses form the basis of both distance spectacles and reading spectacles. As well as offering different powers, these two popular types of spectacles also differ in their appearance: single vision lenses for long-sighted wearers are slightly thicker at the centre of the lens, while single vision lenses for short-sighted wearers are slightly thicker at the edges.
But whatever your prescription, modern technology can produce extraordinarily flat and lightweight lenses, even for high prescriptions. And with a choice between four different quality performance tiers, you can pick the solution that best matches your individual vision needs and reading habits. This means that you will benefit from single vision spectacles that give you perfect vision – and a perfect appearance!
Reading spectacles – the best answer for tired eyes

Once people hit the age of 40, their close-up vision tends to deteriorate, and reading can become a challenging task , with words blurring together on the page. That’s when reading spectacles help. Reading spectacles are made by tailoring single vision lenses to the wearer’s individual reading distance, which is generally between 30 and 40 cm. As well as making life easier for people who enjoy curling up with a book, they can also be used to read the small text sizes often found on smart phones and tablets. Specially adjusted to each wearer’s visual habits and typical reading distance, they restore people’s ability to enjoy relaxed, fatigue-free vision at close distances – whatever their prescription.
Why ’ready reader’ spectacles are best avoided
They may be cheap, but that’s just about the only point in their favour. Ready reader spectacles are now available from numerous supermarkets and other retailers , but these ready-made spectacle for reading fall far short of the standards required for a proper pair of spectacles. They are only available in 0.25 diopter increments – with the same strength for both eyes – and they are not tailored to the wearer’s unique visual needs, which means they fail to take into account factors such as the distance between a person’s eyes. That can cause prismatic effects and in some cases even prompt further deterioration in the wearer’s vision, ultimately leading to strained eyes, headaches, nausea and even migraines. The fact is that off-the-shelf reading spectacles can never supply the optimum correction of your vision that you would typically expect from a qualified optician. There’s no doubt that it’s worth investing in a professionally fitted pair of reading spectacles – not just to benefit from your full vision potential, but also to improve your overall sense of well-being.
Long-sighted eye

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